Brayn, Nola, Anne, Leo, Oliver, Mat, Larisa, Grabriel, Raphaela, Will, Liam, Christoph, Louise, Roman, Chris, Roman.

Sushi Set

'True friends stab you in the front.'

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Bryan's Brithday - Blueys March 2012

Have a great trip Nola and Bryan

Bryan’s birthday was our excuse to take the families up the Blue Mountains one more time before the closure of a very wet summer and before the Cummins leave for the Greek shores to enjoy a better European summer. This time Will with little Christoph and Liam, Mat, Larisa with Gabriel and Raphaela, Roman and Louise with Roman Junior and Chris joined Nola and Bryan and Anne with Leo and Oliver. The weather gods were definitely smiling upon us and to make up for our usual Easter gathering we decided to have our Easter hunt not once but three time to the delight of the children.  There was a waterballon attack on Will and Bryan when they returned from their little bushwalk and several slacklining sessions with the children. We even managed to squeeze in two rides: A link up of the Anderson and Ingar trail with the a pumping river crossing and uphill to Woodford for good measures by Mat and Roman, and Larissa and Louise’s traditional Narrow Neck ride to see the marvel of a full Warragamba Dam.

The highlight of the weekend was the establishment of a new obstacle race at Blackheath Park pioneered by Will and Mat on our last trip but this time it was time to set some records for future generations. Forget about the London Olympics, it was time to shine for young and old alike with personal records set by everyone. There was terror in the eyes of every toddler when Bryan’s engine roaring into gear while trying to beat his personal best and somehow managed to trip over and hit his head on one of the wooden poles holding up the climbing structure of the playground frame and as if that was not enough he produced what would have to be the flapper of the century. This will be hard to beat next time and there were lots of other spurious claims but it appears that sub 35 seconds is the record to beat next time.

You can see more photos HERE.

Please don't forget to send me the rest of the mountain bike photos. Here is a taste


Hugs Roman

17 March 2012

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