There is not a lot of action shots from the Highland Fling 2011, primarily because we were pretty busy riding -and on a more personal note -training to survive the 111 km marathon riding madness. The only riding shots are professional ones and in the fullness of time I will make them available here. Meanwhile a couple of shots from the campsite before we new what we were in for !
There was a lot of suffering on the day and many more smiles, at least one crash with an old guy riding right over me and driving me in the grouns, cramps, too many long rests and much too many goos; heroic hill battles in particular with the final hurdle the asthonishing madness called roller coaster right at the end when you are very tired. There was a somewhat late start, I won't say we missed our start window all together it was more like, well, something went wrong but we all made it.
Below are two iconic shots one before and one after see if you can figure this one out for yourself.
Roman 26 Januaru 2012