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Meadlow Bath 2007


A day in Blue Mountain Time

            During our sensational Easter Weekend from Friday the 6th of April to Monday the 9th unfortunately our cars fuel pump broke down and we had to leave “Petty Blue” behind at the local garage in Katoomba (but that’s another story coming soon on the website.) Using the car pickup as an excuse I managed to squeeze in a quick climbing day on Monday the 16th with Leo and here is the story:

            Leo and I, left Central Station in Sydney with the 8:25 Express train and arrived in Katoomba at 10:19AM. It was quite refreshing to take the train for a change and relax with a cup of coffee instead of having to drive. After we picked up the car from “Harry” (“Holzman” and here is the address if you ever need a good mechanic that’s open during public holidays: M:0412-399-553 or  1300-724-047, 59-63 Megalong St. Katoomba NSW 2780)  we went straight to a little area called “Medlow Bath”, which is just after the Hydro Majestic. Please not that this area is described in the 2002 Pircher and Carter Guide but some of the descriptions are not accurate. This area has now been rebolted with mostly ring-bolts and is great for beginners. We started at the SUNBATH area:

  1. Grade 19 warmup not in the guide NICE.
  2. STRANGE KARMA (20) very nice with a little roof for a bonus.
  3. OLD SALT (18)  Three stars and one of the best 18s in the Mountains.
  4. GAS, FOOD, LODGING (22) A nasty dyno problem of two hideous crimpers. The boulder problem felt like grade 25.

            That was the warm up done and it was time to start motoring now. We went across to another area called the SPORTING COMPLEX.  Note that the guide says that you need to abseil in from the top. This is no longer necessary and you can traverse across from the SUNSHINE AREA.

  1. LIKE A CUT SNAKE (21) Three stars two pitches up an exposed arête. Awesome exposure, felt like 19.
  2. Now we were really warmed up and decided to have a go at “THE LIFE OF RILEY” (Grade 24, three stars, 35 meters). The description in the guide says “fixed hangers may be aging  - use your judgement”  That made it even more interesting and the steep overhanging start looked awesome. I was in full gear at this stage and flew up huge steep jugs along brand new ring-bolts. Clipping the anchors the climb felt more like 22 but there was a moss-covered second pitch that looked harder. Leo wanted a go so I rapt off and he managed to get up it with his burning forearms screaming for mercy. Note that the access to this climb is described incorrectly in the guide. It is located just to the right of the SCHWING (two-pitch 18). 

            Time for a quick rest now but it was getting late. There was one more interesting area at Sector 1, which had two interesting climbs we needed to try before the sun faded:

  1. RADIOACTIVE MAN (20, Two stars) all ring bolts now and very steep. Nearly kicked our buts.
  2. We were starting to run out of juice and sunlight now, but there was ATOMS IN ACTION (25 two stars) and I couldn’t go home without a quick try. This climb is described in the old guide as “one move wonder”. Well I would rephrase that to: Short 22 start for 5 meters with a cruxy 25 boulder problems followed by very steep 21 finish. It took me a few goes to work out the crux but it wasn’t too hard and may be if I just had one more quick go with a head torch on I might just make it…………..

      By this time the sun was casting its last gently orange rays across the valley rim from the Megalong valley. The rock was a brilliant orange colour, gentle and warm to the touch……

      Leo still had to finish Radioactive Man and did so in style. Just down the road from Sector one we also discovered a new area with quite a few new lines both ring-bolted and carrots. We will have to buy the new guide or borrow Gary’s because this area has been overhauled and there are also quite a few new climbs which are not listed in the old guide. Overall, if you don’t have much time and need a quick fix this is a good area with a large variety of lower grades. Go and get it.

Leo and Roman,18 April 2007

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