Cameron was the first to sign up for the MountainStrong bouldering competition in Canberra for the gym’s one year anniversary. Will, had told us about his local gym a while back and we were keen to check it out for this small local bouldering competition. We decided to head down a day earlier Friday afternoon to get the drive over with and relax a little before the competition start early Saturday morning. With Andrew joining us Roman and Chris and Roman Senior headed down to Canberra with the weather gradually improving along the way South. By the time we hit lake George with its impressive and unprecedented water levels we were back in summer again. I had found Sundown Villas a short drive from the Mountain Strong gym in Fyshwick and it was a pleasant surprise to find that we had the entire place basically to ourselves. After checking in we headed straight to the pool to cool off after the drive and as soon as we were refreshed it was time to check out the gym before the comp tomorrow morning. Will and Janeaja joined us for a light pre-comp workout and Janeaja picked the amazing YakiBoy for dinner; best eel burger I have ever had – Yum. The next morning we met Meg and Cameron – who had left at 4am - for breakfast before the start of the competition. By 10am we were in the thick of it for three hours of cempetition. Best six scores were counted for the final tally and the top six Open A males and females moved into the finals at night. For the rest of the story, I will let the photos do the talking. Thank everyone for a great weekend.
Moauntain Strong Gym Canberr
Chris with Noodles
The dressed up team
The finalists
Cameron and Sam
Yakiboy dinner
The winners
competition action
“Just remember this: You were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours..”